Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Are you hurt or are you injured?"

For the past couple of weeks, it's been hurt. Little "hurts" come and go when you're training. Right now I've got some pain and inflammation in my right hip flexor/adductors that I've been able to manage over the past few weeks with ice, advil and some ART. Today I woke up and it felt worse than it has in a while. Running was/is going sooooo well and I really hate to miss sessions but I pulled the shoot on today's run until I get the above question answered - hopefully tomorrow!

I've got a great ART practitioner (Dr. Jenn Turner at Moveo Sport and Rehabilitation Centre) who also happens to be a great friend from my university days and one helluva triathlete! I've been seeing her for the past couple of weeks and she's kept me going.

My internet diagnosis has had me freaking out about it - could it be a stress fracture...a torn labrum? My voice of reason: Dr. JT thinks it's muscular and is confident she can fix it! As I said, she's great and I trust her. I mean if she's good enough to be Svein Tuft's personal fixer-upper, she's good enough for me!

'till next time.


Anonymous said...

Well I am glad to hear it is fixable...take care of yourself, it sounds like you are in good hands!

MarkyV said...


See you in June!