Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2 Weeks, no running...

and no end in sight. :(
I've got a nasty case of posterior tib. tendonitis and have really no idea how it got so bad so quickly.
My mileage was reasonable, stride was feeling fluid and light but all of a sudden I can't walk let alone run.
We think it may have been a longish run on a hard surface with bits of ice and snow scattered around that really triggered it (thus the subtle message to winter above).
I tried to manage it and run easy for a couple of days but two weeks ago I had to walk/limp home 5km...I haven't even thought about running a step since then.
It is still pretty inflamed and I often can't walk properly but I'm hoping with another week or two I'll see some progress.
I'll keep you posted (both of you), in the mean time I'll hammer the bike and try to keep some semblance of running form by taking part in possibly the most embarrassing activity for a former swimmer - AQUA JOGGING!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Ride to Conquer Cancer...Half Way!

For one weekend in June, I plan to finally ride my bike for someone other than myself. I ride my bike pretty much every day, I always do it for me. Whether it's training, racing or commuting, I ride because I take pleasure in it, I get something positive out of it physically and mentally.

My Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer this past August.
I found out about the Ride to Conquer Cancer in the Fall and decided to enter and ride for my Dad. 200km of riding in a weekend isn't much for me (actually I'll probably hafta put in some extra miles and a run after Day 1) but by entering I committed to raising at least $2500 for the Princess Margaret Hospital's Cancer Institute, that's my challenge.

In addition to the usual training updates and the odd rant, I'm gonna start to post about my progress in the fundraising department as well. I've been inspired by the donations thus far and I know those who have donated are eager to track my progress.

Thanks to the generous support of friends and family (and friends of friends and family!!) I am more than half way to my goal. It truly shows that reach and impact of this disease - it is personal to so many people.

Until June 21, 2008 I'm going to keep working. Riding will continue to be something I do for me but I constantly keep in mind my Dad's fight. For that reason I'll keep pestering folks in the fundraising department. If you'd like to help, click on the link:

Friday, March 7, 2008


For all you math majors...that's half a meter...I'm not sure how many feet that is in American, likely close to 2. In any case, we're supposed to get hammered once again with a huge snowfall tonight and tomorrow.
So the SCCC group jams that I usually count on for long, hard miles in the saddle are yet again replaced with mind (and taint) numbing sessions on the trainer.

Apart from winter's refusal to make way for spring, the training is going OK. A 20 minute critical power test on the trainer shoes my FTP to be in the neighborhood of 325W. I'm pretty confident that an outdoor test will yield higher numbers but I'm content with where we're starting out the 2008 campaign

Running frequency is up to 6/week and my stride feels like it's coming together. Still most runs are easy-steady around 4:20-4:30 pace but they feel good and they feel easy.

Swimming is still a bit of an issue with some rib problems but I'm getting a few easy swims in every week and getting some feel. The swim fitness will come pretty quick assuming everything else is firing!

Now, it's time to sit back and see what mother nature has in store for us...I swear this better be the last of it. Seriously, how full of shit was Al Gore this global warming thing? :)

Until next time, keep fit and have fun!