Sunday, June 21, 2009


WE RIDE! was the war cry of Clan Young, adopted as they defended the Scottish border country from England. My Dad toasted the passing of his father in July of 2007 with these two words, it was a powerful moment for me to see my Dad so proud of his name, his family and his heritage. A few short days after the passing of his father, Dad underwent tests that confirmed his lungs were filled with hundreds of BB sized tumours.

That was a hard week for all of us and while everyone tried to think positive thoughts - it was pretty clear that we were gonna be in for a tough year. Today is the first Father's Day that I haven't been able to pick up the phone and call or drive over for a visit and that sucks. This weekend with great thoughts and memories running through my head I thought of those two words and decided to bring those memories with me as I rode solo from through the mountains to the ocean and back. If I can't raise hell along the border in Scotland on horseback, I can swing a leg over the bike and pound the pedals for 5 hours wishing I was!

I noticed myself at times passing several minutes with funny memories like the time he asked my permission to sing the "obscene version" of Mony Mony at my wedding (the answer was a resounding HELL YEAH!), or the night around the campfire that a flaming marshmellow was flung out of the fire and into his hair.

Interspersed with the fun memories were some tougher memories from this past year. Exactly one year ago this weekend I took part in the 1st ever Ride to Conquer Cancer. Dad was SUPER pumped to meet me at the finish line in Niagara Falls but we got a call the night before and he was to sick to make it.

Today I've been lucky to have a few hours with my thoughts, remembering the peaceful smile and wave he gave E and I as we left his hospital bed for the last time. Father's Day will always be a tough one but it's been cool to reflect and reminisce - I'm gonna go ahead and say that it has been a Happy Father's Day!


Anonymous said...

Dad I know would be proud to know that you are carrying on the tradition on Father's Day! It has been one hard year, but memories of him we need to cherish your right! So in honour of Dad...."We Ride" Happy Father's Day

Sarah said...

Well-written. As one of your sister's friends, I wish I'd had the privilege of meeting your dad, but I'm well aware that his memory "rides" on!